
Without control a life in potential falls into a cycle of fear and confusion.
Making Of
Concept phase - Starting Point

Concept phase - Meaning

The meaning of "Dynamis" in English is "Potential". In our film this refers to the potential described by Aristotle, of an agency's ability to become an action, or not. Our intention was to create a film that is more like a poem than a story. An exploration into the concept of potential and of the times in your life when you freeze and are unable to continue your journey.
"Without control, a life in potential falls into a circle of fear and confusion"


Concept phase - Tecnique


Concept phase - Realism

Concept phase - Reference

Pre production - Storyboard
Research phase - Drawing and photography research

Pre production - Set Test

Pre production - Details

Pre production - Mushroom Details

Pre production - Moss Details

Pre production - Character

Based on our original storyboard, we decided that the bird would have quite limited movement without flying or walking. To emphasize the dream-like aesthetic of our film the bird design is a combination of several real birds, realistic yet different from real life. The process of making the molds for the head and body was the following: we started by making the head and body with "NSP" non sulphur plasticine. Later we decided where the replacement claws, neck, wings and the rigs will be located and drilled to make a place for the tube for the replacements. We used a specific type of silicone to make the molds which we then cast with polyurethane to create the head and the body. 
Pre production - Feathers

After researching different options for covering the puppet, we came to the conclusion to cover the puppet with an artificial fur fabric. We had been considering a variety of different colors, including black, brown and grey.
To control the boiling of the fabric we initially tested using a combination of glue and water, but we found the final result too rigid. We also tested the fabric with a variety of colors of acrylic paints to add depth. We decided that a small amount of boiling suited our style of animation because adds a lot of life to the character however we found a problem. When the fabric boiled each fiber reflected light in a different direction creating a sparkling effect. To attempt to solve this problem we first tried treating the fabric with fixative spray, for setting charcoal drawings. It did not solve the sparkling problem but created exactly the effect we were looking for with the boiling. 
To remove the shine, we used talcum powder and fixative spray in combination. To attach the fur to the polyurethane we used liquid silicon glue and hand sewn seams. We his the seams using a purpose built stitch designed by Jim Henson called puppet stitch.

Thanks for watching. 
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